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 Worship This Sunday:                        


Children's Sunday school at 10:00 a.m.

Adult Sunday School Classes meet at 10:00a.m. Please feel free to join us!

Worship in the Sanctuary begins at 11:00 am

Group Meeting

Noble Knitters meet at 10:00 Wednesday mornings at the church.


Bible Study meets by invitation at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings via Zoom.

Colorful Yarn Collection

If you would like an invitation to join any of the groups, please call 405-872-3913 and leave a message with your name and phone number. Someone will contact you.

New Sermon Series-Not a Fan
Topics for each Sunday


 1. Fan or Follower?

 2. An Open Invitation.

3. Choosing Intimacy.

4. The Comfortable Cross

5. More Than Rules.
6. Am I Enough?


It's based on a book, Not A Fan, by Idleman

Wednesday - Noble Knitters at 10:00 am

Wednesday - Zoom Bible Studay at 6:30 pm

Sunday   9:30 Fellowship

            10:00 Sunday schools and Kidzone

            11:00 Worship Service
Nursery Available

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